Somehow, another wave of Baby Yoda toys based on Disney Plus‘ The Mandalorian has been revealed, and among them is arguably the biggest treat yet: a Baby Yoda Lego minifigure. He comes with the $129.99 Razor Crest set, the ship commanded by the titular Mandalorian. And yes, he’s adorable.

The set is a pretty elaborate thing, and it comes with minifigures of Greef Karga and IG-11 from the show. Fans of The Mandalorian, though, may be wondering where Gina Carano’s Cara Dune and Nick Nolte’s Kuiil are. Hey, maybe they’ll turn up in a future set. It’s unclear if this set includes Baby Yoda’s broth bowl.

Check out the full set below, which starts shipping from September 2020:

Somehow, that’s not the only Baby Yoda on the way in Lego form. You’ll be able to pick these two up in stores this August, too, as the Baby Yoda merch train lurches into full force (no pun intended):

Baby Yoda is unstoppable

The Mandalorian also took over Good Morning America in the US today, as Baby Yoda wares were shown off for the whole of America (who happen to be watching TV in the morning) to enjoy. The entire thing might remind you of that Simpsons episode with Funzo, but the talking Baby Yoda toy does look kind of cute.

Anyway, enjoy all of this until the internet turns on Baby Yoda later this year, as is the inevitable fate of all memes.